Apply for player Funds

To be filled out by the parent or guardian...



Starlings Volleyball, USA Financial Assistance Application

Starlings Volleyball, USA helps with registration fees for youth, who without financial assistance, would be unable to participate in the Starlings volleyball programs. Starlings Volleyball, USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with limited funding available for assistance.  No guarantee of assistance is implied by this application. Starlings Volleyball, USA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in its program and activities.


  1. Applicant must be enrolled in school (kindergarten through 12th grade).
  2. Parent/Guardian and participant commit that the athlete will attend a minimum of 90% of all scheduled practices and games.
  3. Application must be completed by Parent or Guardian.
  4. Applicant must submit a copy of last report card.  C average or above is required to receive funding.


Financial assistance will be considered for eligible players meeting one or more of the criteria below:

  1. Receive assistance from programs such as: Food Stamps, Medicaid, SSI, Foster Care, WIC and can provide written documentation of participation in these programs.
  2. Provide recommendation by school representative, social worker, youth community center workers or other social service representative.
  3. Provide a written statement of immediate financial hardship explaining the current situation.  Starlings recognizes that a family may not be receiving formal assistance from the programs mentioned above, yet financial assistance may still be needed to participate in a Starlings program.  In these instances, the Starlings Board will consider the financial hardship statement to determine assistance eligibility.  Please provide any supporting documentation that may support the facts in your financial hardship statement.
  4. *REQUIRED* A copy of the participant’s last report card.  C average or above is required to receive funding.
  5. *REQUIRED* Short written statement (one page or less) by participant as to why they would like to play on a Starlings volleyball team.


  1. Applications will be completed by Parent/Guardian.
  2. Commitment statements will be signed by both Parent/Guardian and participant.
  3. Application and supporting documents will be turned into Club Director for review.
  4. Club Director will submit to Starlings Volleyball, USA for approval and processing.
  5. Starlings Volleyball, USA will consider all applications completed with all necessary documentation.
  6. The amount of assistance awarded (if any) may be partial or full request depending on the number of applicants and the amount funds available.
  7. Funds will be deposited in the Club Account designated to assist with the applicant’s season fees.
  8. Parent/Guardian will be notified as to the amount (if any) of the award.



Application For Assistance 2022-23
PDF – 324.2 KB 359 downloads
Spanish Version Application For Assistance 2022-23
PDF – 124.5 KB 243 downloads